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Restorations and Repairs

Restoring and repairing stained glass is a delicate and intricate process that requires a skilled hand and a keen eye for detail. Whether it's a small ornament, lampshade or or section of a panel that needs to be replaced, the process of restoring stained glass involves a number of steps that must be carefully executed to ensure the final is both beautiful and durable.

After initial assessment of the damage, the next step is then to carefully remove the damaged or broken pieces and clean what can be 'rescued' so that the repair process itself can begin.  Depending on the extent of the damage and the remaining structural integrity of the original piece, this can be done in a number of ways. 

For small ornaments, panels and lampshades, it may be possible to replace just the damaged section without needing to remove any of the intact glass or for windows, and 'in-situ' repair might be possible.  In other situations where damage is more extensive, or in the centre of a piece, a more substantial repair may be required meaning lead work may need to be removed and replaced, or the item require a full rebuild, conserving the original glass and look of the piece, but giving it new life and strength so that it can be enjoyed for many generations to come. 

An assessment and discussion of the potential work required is free, and can be carried out in person, via video call or from photos so that an estimate can be provided.  Where possible, if glass requires replacement, I will endeavour to match the replacement glass to the original unless you request otherwise, and your quote will reflect this.


If you would like to discuss having an item restored, repaired or even repurposed, please do not hesitate to get in contact via the website link below, or email: where you will be able to send photos of the piece as well.

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